Monday, April 13, 2009


Hummingbirds (Patagonia gigas) are the affectionately loved darlings of the tropical bird world। With wings working the air faster than the human eye can see, hummingbirds are almost atypically swifter than their predators can glimpse। Hummingbirds can fly backward and operate their wings at amazing speeds. Their long thin bills allow them to maneuver and trap insects and prey (and seed) while remaining airborne. Their protective long bill and fast speed protects a sweet personality and chirpy visitor welcome in any garden or home.

The hummingbird bill is created for lower mandible operation as a secondary mouth extender. The jaw can open wide and more firmly grip its intended meal or prey. Specialized hummingbirds alter this feeding pathway functionally as denoted by their very names, sicklebill, awlbill, thornbill hummingbirds. The length of the bill allows nectar access within flowers. Hummingbirds can weight less than one ounce at the smallest and less than once ounce at the largest. Flashy males sport the cool looking metallic feathery trim to attract the ladies.

Hummingbirds are a delight to watch and observe। Popular with all ages is the red nectar feeder that attract these long billed birds. Hummingbirds come in bright red shades and also normal forest woodland tones with metallic iridescence in the wing and breast feathers, lighting up a garden feeder or domestication cage with a rainbow of jewel colors. Hummingbirds spend most of their working out, flying and supporting their weight aloft with their wings. But perching, digesting and resting is part of their day as well.

Hummingbirds do not spend all day flying, as the energy costs of this would be prohibitive; the majority of their activity consists simply of sitting or perching। It’s typical to recognize a hummingbird simply due to the amazing rapidity of the wing action around a somewhat stationary minute torso, with a long thin horizontal bill, aloft in the air. They must perch and nest between feeding runs. Hummingbirds like to eat and run, sampling nectar and remembering reliable feeding destinations during migration.

But hummingbirds are the diet champions of the animal kingdom, with metabolism and heart rates marathoners would envy. They are hours away from starving while they fly from flower to flower, with their small capacity for energy storage and metabolic rate powering their wing flights constantly. Efficient hummingbird functioning is aided by reduced metabolism at night. Hummingbirds complacently feed in groups, darting and competing for food, and chirp in sprightly cries to communicate proximity and predator warnings. Hummingbirds enjoy a nice bug or insect now and then.

Slow motion video capture illustrates the fluid and graceful yet efficient feeding and flying habits of the hummingbird. Hummingbirds can become domesticated and be trained to be fed by hand. These sprightly backyard visitors attract life to open gardens without husbandry responsibilities. Hummingbird feeders make great gifts for seniors. The ant traps as well as a variety of mounts for bottles and tubular feeders make excellent gifts for hummingbird lovers.

Hummingbirds make great pets or sedentary seniors as they bring energy and action to a still and static environment. Domesticated hummingbirds kept in bird cages should never be without secondary and tertiary supplies of nectar and water just in case as starvation could occur. Hummingbirds need baths and frequent stimulation, not just food. Bright colors in the cage or near the feeder is a good idea. But the novelty of wild hummingbird traffic and the unexpected mix of plumage coloration from random feeder visitors is too tempting and entertaining to do without.

The fascination in observing hummingbirds come in the astonishing speed and frequency of their feeding behavior, the varietal splendor of their plumage, and the varying personalities of each. Hummingbird lovers keep several bird feeders mounted near the garden or backyard to allow swarm feeding. These birds add color and life to a garden or aviary. Hummingbirds are attracted by fragrant flowers and bright colors. Azaleas jasmine and honeysuckle show the kind of tubular flower formation hummingbirds like.

Hummingbirds are good parents and heat sets of eggs and feed fledgeling pairs between fleet feedings and bug runs. Longer winged species can be found inside the natural wildlife parks around the world. Longer necks and tails than the average run of hummingbird can also be found in some regions. The density of wild hummingbirds in urban life and suburban areas reflect their commonality, yet vivid coloration and exotic species allow tropical hummingbird subspecies that differentiate in various ways.

Exotic hummingbirds are increasingly taking shelter in wildlife reserves to prevent endangerment and species whose reproduction drop reflects a threatened population. Deforestation has cleared many natïve habitat forests for tropical hummingbirds following regional migration patterns. Basic air defense makes hummingbirds able to outfly and evade their larger bird predators. Therefore only poison, toxins and lack of sugar content in nectar and brush clearing threatens the humming bird.

Some of the more common hummingbird species include Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, Violet Crowned Hummingbirds, White Eared Hummingbirds, Blue Throated Hummingbirds, Magnificent Hummingbirds, Broad Billed Hummingbirds, Broad Tailed Hummingbirds, and Black Chinned Hummingbirds.

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